Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a former talk show host and TV personality from the United States known as a contestant on the second season of Surviv
Keith Famie is a film director and producer from the United States known for his appearance on Survivor: The Australian Outback in 2001.
Colby Donaldson is a TV personality who finished second in Survivor: The Australian Outback. He then appeared on two more seasons of Survivor
Kelly Goldsmith is a former reality television contestant and American marketing researcher who specializes in consumer behavior.
Hunter Ellis is a military veteran and television personality from the United States. He is the current Atomic Beam flashlight spokesperson.
Tammy Leitner is a network correspondent and investigative television reporter from the United States. The documentary Toxic Secrets
Paschal English is a retired United States Air Force Colonel, former judge, and Survivor: Marquesas contestant from the fourth season.
Vecepia Towery is an American office manager and reality TV personality best known for winning the fourth season of Survivor: Marquesas.
Jenna Morasca is an American actress, swimsuit model, professional wrestler, and reality TV contestant who won a million dollars on Survivor
Rupert Boneham, an American mentor for disturbed youth, first caught the attention of viewers of reality TV when he competed on Survivor